
Digital programs for metabolic, emotional, and physical health transform outcomes and lower costs

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May 13, 2021 · By Rob Butler, CEO Wondr Health

A Note from Rob Butler, CEO

Photo of Rob Butler, white male with glasses, against blue background


Wondr Health: A new brand for a new world.

As you know, our rebrand has been in the works for a while now, and we couldn’t be more excited for this next era of our company. Becoming Wondr Health means more to us than a rebrand, it’s a recommitment to our mission of doing the most good for the most people. And while today is a big day for our company, it’s also business as usual. We’re the same trusted partner our clients and participants rely on, and we’re recommitting to everything that matters most—life changing results that translate to lower claims costs, and an experience built for everyone, no matter your lifestyle, background, or occupation. So, without further adieu, it’s official – Welcome to Wondr.

With our rebrand, we had an opportunity to improve our program while the world was experiencing more changes in the health industry than ever before. Despite the challenges of 2020, our participants were losing weight and improving their quality of life in a time when most others were struggling. Why? Because our program was built to help people build resilience and improve their health—no matter what their circumstance. And now, with a more personalized and inclusive experience, you’ll see an even bigger impact.

We took this rebrand as an opportunity to expand upon what we know works, and to continue to innovate our brand and product for what the world needs now—and for what the world needs next. We know the ins and outs of what HR leaders need (and their pain points), and our curriculum has always been backed by research and delivered by our diverse team of expert clinicians. We’re taking 15+ years of knowledge and experience and improving on this for an even more relevant, personalized, inclusive program.

Delivering on our promise to help people achieve their best health as their true self, means making a program that’s accessible to all—and we mean all—regardless of who they are, where they come from, and what their health goals are, in a way that meets them where and when they need it most. We’re making it clear that we always have, and always will, strive for diversity, inclusion, and making this program available and appealing to all.

Simply said: Wondr works for everyone. Every element of Wondr was intentionally created to be the perfect fit for all organizations and individuals—regardless of an individual’s size, body type, health improvement goals, race, income, education, nationality, or lifestyle, or your organization’s culture, industry, or location.

Every single detail – from the missing “e” in our name grounding us in the science our team of renowned doctors and clinicians founded us in, to using real participants as our models–is important as we drive our mission forward. Because with more inclusive, more widely available digital solutions, employers have the unique opportunity to help close the health disparity gap throughout their entire population.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership—and as always, if you have any feedback or questions, I’d love to personally hear from you.

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