
Digital programs for metabolic, emotional, and physical health transform outcomes and lower costs

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Metabolic Health


Treat the root cause of chronic metabolic conditions & weight-gain

Metabolic Health

Wondr Advanced & Wondr Plus

Builds on Wondr to offer high-quality obesity care, with or without GLP-1 coverage

Emotional Health

eM Life

Manage stress and anxiety and improve health, happiness, and work performance


Transform the quality of life and health of your workforce while preventing and reducing the cost of chronic health conditions

Health Plans

Achieve maximum member value and ROl from your Wondr Health benefit

Benefit Consultants

Deliver a comprehensive well-being solution that drives long-term health outcomes and clear ROl for your clients


Explore clinical research, program proof points and inspiration to guide your wellness journey

Free resources for HR and executive leadership.

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Peer-reviewed clinical research

Learn how we improve quality of life and health outcomes with our clinical research

Thought Leadership

Gain insights and expert analysis on the latest in metabolic and emotional health


Explore timely and relevant resources on everything from weight loss to mental health and more

Case studies

Learn about the ROl of Wondr Health from leading organizations that partner with us

Webinars and events

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Featured Resources


White paper

Amplifying Anti-Obesity Medications



Building Your Preventative Care Powerhouse


Case Study

The ROl of Wondr

Who we are

A proven wellness leader in digital behavior transformation

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For more information on Wondr Health solutions


I, the undersigned, understand and acknowledge that:

  • My participation in Wondr Health is completely voluntary.
  • A medical evaluation is advisable before starting any weight loss program and while losing weight. Wondr Health, its administrators, agents, licensees and subcontractors involved in conducting or evaluating the program (“Affiliates”) do not provide medical care, diagnosis, or treatment of medical conditions through this program and do not assume any responsibility for my health or weight loss. I understand and agree that Wondr Health’s presentation of the program is not the provision of medical care or advice. The program is informational in scope and is not a substitute for the sound, independent medical judgment of a physician or any other health care provider.
  • I should not participate in this weight loss program if I am under eighteen (18) years of age, pregnant, have an unstable medical or mental condition, have an eating disorder or have a terminal illness, and I warrant that I do not have any of the above conditions. If I am lactating, I am aware that my breast milk production may be affected if I reduce the amount I eat and/or lose weight and will contact my physician immediately if this happens. I should obtain specific approval from my primary health care provider if I have diabetes, cholelithiasis (gallstones), or any chronic health condition, or if I have been warned by my physician against any change in my diet. During this program, I will consult my primary health care provider before changing any prescribed medications or treatment plans, or engaging in moderate or vigorous physical activity.


Wondr Health and its Affiliates disclaim any liability for any loss, injury, or damage incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from the use or misuse of any of the contents of this program, the accompanying materials or information given in the presentations. I expressly hold Wondr Health and its Affiliates harmless for any such loss, injury or damage. Furthermore, I release and hold Wondr Health and its Affiliates and their respective employees, agents, successors, and assigns harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, and causes of action asserted against them, associated with taking Wondr Health classes, including but not limited to, any future illness, disease, injury, or death.

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