
Digital programs for metabolic, emotional, and physical health transform outcomes and lower costs

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Metabolic Health


Proven behavior-change program prevents & reduces the prevalence of high-cost chronic conditions

Metabolic Health

Wondr Advanced & Wondr Plus

Behavior change + clinical care for higher acuity needs, with or without GLP-1 coverage

Emotional Health

eM Life

Manage stress and anxiety and improve health, happiness, and work performance


Transform the quality of life and health of your workforce while preventing and reducing the cost of chronic health conditions

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Amplifying Anti-Obesity Medications



Building Your Preventative Care Powerhouse


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5 red flags

This white paper outlines 5 red flags to watch for when choosing a weight-management solution for your population, such as programs that avoid restrictive diets, negative views on exercise, and an overemphasis on the scale. It advocates for programs that integrate seamlessly into company culture and actively listens to client and participant feedback. By focusing on sustainable habits, inclusive practices, and personalized approaches, employers can select a weight-management solution that supports long-term health and well-being for their employees.

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