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Educators Choose Wondr Health

AESA partnership makes Wondr the leading digital health solution for educators.

Naturally Slim Solidifies its Position as the Leading Digital Health Solution for Educators

New partnership with AESA expands the company’s potential to reach over 80% of school systems across the U.S.

DALLAS, TX — (October 15, 2020) — Naturally Slim® (NS), a digital behavioral health company focused on mind-body weight management and diabetes prevention within the employer-sponsored space, today announced a new partnership with the Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA). On a mission to improve the wellbeing and whole health of education professionals everywhere, NS’ newest partnership with AESA expands its reach to primary and secondary schools across 45 states, adding to the hundreds of organizations in the education industry that have offered NS.

COVID-19 has exacerbated mental and physical health concerns for education professionals who are ensuring children get the education they need and deserve. In fact, as a result of the pandemic, American K-12 teachers report they feel “somewhat” or “extremely” uncertain (81%), stressed (77%), anxious (75%) and overwhelmed (74%). Whether schools are in-person, remote or following a hybrid model, there is an added demand for educators to go above and beyond in their roles, causing increased stress. Educators’ health and wellness is deeply interconnected with their abilities to perform on the job, meaning they need management to provide the support and resources necessary to lead healthy lives. By partnering with AESA, NS is able to share its clinically-proven digital program to empower participants to get and stay healthy through cognitive behavioral health skills and tools that help them better manage potential threats to their overall physical and mental wellbeing—starting with weight management.

“Education is a stressful endeavor for everyone involved—teachers, principals, superintendents, the cafeteria staff—and we all understand that our stress levels are amped even higher because of the pandemic,” said Gordon Taylor, a Naturally Slim participant and Executive Director and CEO at Region 10 ESC. “When stress goes up, health goes down, so addressing our overall health makes education a better operation. From a personal standpoint, I lost about a tenth of my body weight on the program and it improved my physical and mental health as well as those who I worked with.”

“It’s been an incredibly hard year for educators who are used to stability and routine. That’s why at Naturally Slim, our goal is to support the education sector more than ever before,” said Todd Whitthorne, Chief Inspiration Officer, Naturally Slim. “Educators’ overall wellness needs to be top priority because if they do not intentionally invest in themselves, they won’t be able to invest in their students, which creates a vicious cycle that negatively impacts the entire educational ecosystem.”

Showing impressive results, participants in the education sector lose, on average, 7 pounds in the first 10 weeks of the program. According to The Journal of the American Medical Association, losing as little as 3-5% of body weight can lead to clinically meaningful health improvements. In addition, by utilizing the NS program, 87% reported feeling more in control of their weight, 58% increased their energy levels, and 67% increased their physical activity. Not only that, NS data shows that across all sectors its participants lost more than 200,000 pounds between February and June of this year—despite the adversity the pandemic presented. The on-the-go model is convenient and accessible, making it easier than ever for participants to be engaged with the program, whether they are working from home or essential workers in the field. Alongside the significant weight loss during the height of social distancing, participants also developed skills beyond willpower, improving their overall mental health and wellbeing. In fact, NS participants reported that 70.1% increased their physical activity, 60.3% gained overall confidence and 58.0% improved their overall moods.

“Now more than ever before, effective leaders are sitting in front of a computer for hours at a time leading video conferences, communicating via email and text messages, and doing everything they can to make sure their teachers and staff have what they need to be successful,” said Joan Wade, EdD, Executive Director of AESA. “Far too often, the last person they think about is themselves. And yet, we know that taking care of one’s physical, mental, and emotional health is key to helping others. I want them to be healthy and I know that a partnership with Naturally Slim will accomplish that goal!”

NS is thrilled to partner with AESA, an organization that puts its employees first and ensures they have the tools needed to take care of themselves, their families and their communities. School systems that currently offer the NS program include: CSD Insurance Trust, Missouri, Loudon City Public Schools, Virginia, North East ISD, Texas, Ozarks Schools Benefits Association, Missouri and Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

“Our hope at AESA is that our 500 ESA member organizations across the country will share this program with their staff in order to see the health and mental wellness benefits Naturally Slim can provide,” said John Bass, Chief Operating Officer of AESA. “Following that, our hope is that the success of the program moves beyond our members to the school districts they serve.”

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits or how to get your company involved with NS today, visit:

About Naturally Slim (NS)

NS is a digital behavior change program that focuses on improving the physical and mental health of employees and plan members across America. Although the name does not convey it, NS is much

more than a weight loss program. With NS, participants learn the skills needed to sustain clinically meaningful weight loss, lower stress, sleep better, and move more—all without the hefty price tag of traditional health coach-centric programs. Simply put, NS is the single most cost-effective way for plan sponsors to reduce obesity-related disease and foster resilience in populations, helping employers and health plans do the most good for the most people. You can learn more at


Disclaimer: On May 13 2021, Naturally Slim rebranded to Wondr Health. At the time of this release, the company name was Naturally Slim.

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