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March 20, 2025

Choosing the right support for chronic condition management in the workplace 

airplane flying towards target to represent chronic condition management

Obesity and chronic weight-related conditions, like diabetes, hypertension, and musculoskeletal disease, account for $1.1 trillion in U.S. health-care costs each year. But did you know chronic conditions cost organizations $2.6 trillion in lost productivity with $36.4 billion in employee absences? 

To foster a healthy and productive workforce while keeping costs in check, employers need a comprehensive strategy for chronic condition management. The challenge? Choosing the right support system.  

Understanding employee needs 
Your employees are unique, and it’s vital that your chronic condition management system is tailored to their individual needs to be effective. 

Analyze claims data. Begin with analyzing workforce health data to identify the most common chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and musculoskeletal disorders. Examine the potential risk factors associated with these conditions—for example, an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, or lack of physical activity. 

Conduct surveys to understand employee pain points. These surveys can offer critical insights to help leaders guide their benefits strategy and provide relevant resources for their population. For example, Wondr Health conducts regular pulse surveys of our clients’ populations to assess their needs and address them in real time. In a recent pulse survey, we asked which of the following resources would be most helpful for managing weight-related conditions: 

Behavioral change program
Nutrition counseling 
Physical activity program 
Obesity experts 
Emotional health support 
Condition-specific support 

Nearly one-third of participants cited a behavioral change program as the most helpful intervention for managing chronic conditions. This signals the need for employers to focus on behavioral support at the foundation of their benefits strategy along with nutrition counseling and physical activity programs for a holistic approach to health. For employees with weight-related chronic conditions, the survey highlighted the value of disease-specific support suggesting the benefit of tailored resources for conditions like diabetes or heart disease.  

Proven behavioral change solutions 
When employers provide solutions that help their employees build lifestyle skills for sustainable health, they boost productivity, lower their health-care costs, and not only retain but attract potential employees.  

What factors should an employer look for in a chronic condition management solution? The following factors are key to delivering clinical outcomes and cost savings for your organization:  

Personalization & accessibility. Can employees easily engage with the program? Your people are more likely to continue with a program that speaks to their individual needs. 

Full-spectrum support. Does the solution seamlessly cover all acuity levels to address the needs of your full population? Employers should build on the foundation of behavior change and prepare to offer condition-specific and prescribing capabilities to support all acuity needs.  

Sustainable outcomes. Does the solution deliver clinical, cultural, and financial ROI that drives lasting change? 

Proven partner. Are they built to partner, and have they worked in the benefits space with proven experience? Do they do heavy lifting when it comes to implementation?  

Integration with existing benefits. Does the solution complement current health-care plans and integrate seamlessly with your benefits ecosystem? 

Reporting. Does the solution track and provide regular reporting on engagement, adherence, behaviors, and outcomes?  

HR and benefits leaders who take a proactive, employee-centered approach to chronic conditions foster an environment where employees feel valued and supported, creating a healthier and more engaged workforce and a better bottom line.  

Learn more about how Wondr Health can help you address obesity and weight-related chronic conditions for your organization.  

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